Sep. 28, Wed. 9:00-12:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 1

Chair: Mr. Hans-Joachim VOLLPRACHT, Consultant, Germany, Chair TC C.1
Co-chair: Mr. Mike GREENHALGH, Amey, United Kingdom


• Chair: Mr. Hans-Joachim VOLLPRACHT

Part 1. Incorporating human factors in road design for influencing driver behaviour

• Ms. Sibylle BIRTH, Intelligenz Transfer Potsdam, Germany & Mr. Emilio FRANCISCO, Mexico

• Mr. Daniel AUBIN, Dessau, Canada-Quebec

Strong feeling of right-of-way and reaction times - Analysis of accidents in intersections
• Marina HUGHES / Joël YERPEZ, IFSTTAR, France

An innovative geometric road design for a safer infrastructure
• Mr. Eric LOCQUET, Egis, France

Part 2. Work Zone Safety: A Growing Issue for Emerging Countries

• Mr. Mike GREENHALGH, Amey, United Kingdom
• Mrs. Elizabeth ALICANDRI, FHWA, United States of America
• Mr. Aditya BAHADUR, India

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Part 3. Urban Development Issues: Linear settlements, vulnerable road users and the implications for urban land use and development

• Mr. Hans-Joachim VOLLPRACHT, Germany

• Ms. Marion DOERFEL, BFH AHB, Switzerland

Linear Settlements and Safety Issues along Highways in India: A Case for integrated approach for highway development
• Mr. Cumhur AYDIN, Atilim University, Turkey

Policies and solutions for preventing linear settlement
• Mr. Abou AYASH, Public Establishment for Road Communications, Syria

Safer Roads in Bangladesh: Addressing the Challenges of Road Infrastructure Safety and Linear Settlements
• Mr. Rob MCINERNEY, CEO, iRAP Asia Pacific, United Kingdom
• Dr. Md. Mazharul HOQUE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

Part 4. A new Road Safety Strategy: Road Safety Impact Assessments on Master Plans and Strategic Enhancements

The new approach of Road Infrastructure Safety Management – Preconditions, Instruments and Examples
• Mr. Jürgen GERLACH, University of Wuppertal, Germany

Evaluation of Some Results of the 2010 AASHTO Highway Safety Manual
• Ms. Maria SAUCEDO, Mexico

Innovative tools and pragmatic methods for improvement of safety on the national roads network in France
• Mr. Rodolphe CHASSANDE-MOTTIN, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable development, Transport and Housing, France

The Turkish Application of Safety Impact Assessment Tool
• Mr. Cumhur AYDIN, Atilim University, Turkey


• Chair: Mr. Hans-Joachim VOLLPRACHT