PIARC Prizes 2011

The World Road Association "PIARC Prizes 2011" aimed to:

  • encourage innovation,
  • recognise professional expertise,
  • highlight topics of particular concern,
  • promote developing country interest, and
  • support longer-term thinking on the future of transportation systems.

Nominations of papers were made by the Technical Committees and National Committees who organised a prize competition at a national level.

The international jury is composed of the following members:

  • Menno Henneveld (Australia / New Zealand) President of the International Jury
  • Joe Burns (United Kingdom)
  • Keechoo Choi (Korea)
  • Jean-François Corté, Secretary general of the World Road Association
  • Patrick Mallejacq (France)
  • Hirofumi Ohnishi (Japan)
  • Christian Therrien (Canada-Quebec)
  • Claude Van Rooten (Belgium)
  • Butch Wlaschin (USA)
  • Secretariat of the international jury: Claire Murdoch (Australia)

Awards were given in accordance with the following themes:

Young professionals (sponsored by Canada-Quebec, paper presented by authors less than 30 years of ages)

Main Roads Western Australia - Integrated Services Arrangements: an innovative approach to manage Western Australia's state road network. Paper / Presentation

Ms. Maria Sarubin / Australia


Developing countries (sponsored by Japan, paper presented by authors from countries of low income and lower-middle income economies according to the classification established by the World Bank in 2009)

Role of bioengineering in mountain road maintenance: observations from Nepal . Paper / Presentation
Mr. Indu Dhakal / Nepal


Safety of road users and road workers (sponsored by Australia/New Zealand)

Linear Settlements and Safety Issues along Highways in India: A Case for integrated approach for highway development. Paper / Presentation
Professor A.K Sharma, Mr. A.P Bahadur & Ms. Yashi Tandon / India


Best innovation - Maurice Milne medal (sponsored by United Kingdom)

Use of Solar Heat-blocking Pavement Technology for Mitigation of Urban Heat. Paper / Presentation
Mr. Masahiko Iwama, Dr. Tamotsu Yoshinaka, Dr. Shinobu Omoto & Dr. Nobuyuki Nemoto / Japan


Sustainable Development (sponsored by Korea) 

Life cycle assessment through a comprehensive sustainability framework: a case study of urban transportation vehicles. Paper / Presentation
Mr. L.K Mitropoulous. Mr. P.D Prevedouros & Mr. E.G Nathanail / United States of America


Road design and road construction (sponsored by Belgium)

The forever open road: defining the next generation road.Paper / Presentation

Mr. M.J Lamb, Mr. R Collis, Mr. S Deix, Mrs. B Krieger and Mr. N Hautiere / United Kingdom, Austria, Germany & France


Road maintenance and operation (sponsored by the United States of America)

The Compliant Motorway. Paper / Presentation
Ms. Lucy Wickham & Mr. Paul Marsh / United Kingdom
