National Reports

National Reports are replies from countries to international surveys launched by the Strategic Theme Coordinators.

TSA - Sustainability of the Road Transport System

"Mitigating the impact of the road system on climate change"

The use of road and other transport networks makes a significant contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGEs), usually expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2e. Governments of many countries are setting both challenging and ambitious legislative targets for CO2e reductions. National Road Administrations have a key role to play in meeting these targets and it seems essential that substantial moves are made Towards a Carbon-Free Transport Future Now.

The National Reports will address the issues in relation to:

  • Legislative, regulatory and other targets, and deadlines that have been set for carbon reduction;
  • Guidance and objectives that have been set for the transport sectors to ensure that such targets are reached. While not all actions will fall to the Road Administration, actions such as the development of non-carbon vehicle fleets, changing power sources and associated infrastructure, developing vehicle technologies, and the costs of travel and associated fiscal drivers are all of relevance,
  • Measures, with indications of quantitative objectives, that are planned within the road transport sector to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction, maintenance and operation of the network.
    This will include:
    -Reducing the need for travel by engaging with planners to influence the interaction between land-use planning and transport,
    -Encouraging public transport use by facilitating modal shift and multi-modal travel,
    -Improving journey time efficiency and reducing congestion,
    -Ensuring freight inter-operability,
    -Changing specifications and procurement policies to encourage the use of low-carbon and no- carbon materials and processes in maintenance and construction activities

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TSB - Improving Provision of Services

"Delivering integrated transport modes and services to customers"

For road authorities in many countries, there is an increase in focus towards an integrated transport future. Moreover, government stimulus packages, in response to the recent global financial crisis, may have created opportunities and resulted in new approaches to the delivery of intermodal transport services.

The National Reports will address:

  • What countries are doing with regards to integration of road transport with other modes of transport and the provision of services to customers (services provided either by the public or private sector) such as: provision of information to customers to assist with modal choice; charging schemes; traffic control; etc.;
  • The process that was adopted, including:
    -How authorities formed a consensus about the scheme?
    -Factors considered to be key elements for success, such as societal and technical innovative factors.
  • The outcomes that were achieved, or which are expected, including:
    -Qualitative and quantitative improvements,
    -Customer benefits.

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TSC - Safety of the Road System

"A strategic approach for safety: putting knowledge into practice"

The session will focus on two key elements of safety programs, for which the National Reports have considered:

1. strategic plans and approaches, and
2. the transfer of knowledge into practice

1. Strategic plans and approaches

A comparison of the strategic approaches taken by countries in advancing their road safety programs and policies will be beneficial for all countries. Some key components of the process for advancing these safety programs include:

  • an examination of the approaches that have been used to develop road safety policies, strategies, and action plans,
  • involvement of key stakeholders in the process; and
  • setting road safety targets and monitoring the progress made towards their accomplishment.

In this context, National Reports also addressed the following. How do road authorities:

  • develop and execute comprehensive safety strategies?
  • establish safety goals?
  • measure success in meeting comprehensive safety strategies and what have been the • results?

2. The transfer of knowledge into practice

Countries with mature plans and operating environments can, however, face challenges in implementing research results and integrating them into regular practices.

The National Reports discussed measures to facilitate the transfer of innovation from research through to practical application in the area of road safety, with respect to the following:

  • How do road authorities encourage innovation?
  • How do road authorities handle the dissemination of safety products to stakeholders on a day-to-day basis?
  • What are examples of effective implementation of best practices and technologies?

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TSD - Quality of Road Infrastructure

"Managing road assets in the context of sustainable development and climate change adaptation"

The appropriate management of road assets is essential to achieving quality roads and traffic conditions that satisfy the demands of users. Asset management must be achieved within this framework, taking full account of the principles of sustainable development, whilst adapting to future climate change.

The National Reports address one or several of the themes described herein.

Quality of roads and sustainable development
Policies and strategies that encourage technical and engineering solutions which specifically address the needs of future road infrastructure development within the context of sustainable development, including inter alia low carbon/low energy solutions and materials that are reused or recycled. Or, where policies are yet to be developed, the National Reports will discuss innovations that have been implemented which address this theme.

Managing assets and sustainable development
Asset management policies and strategies that contribute to sustainability (for example, through prioritisation of asset management programs) and which consider the role and function of roads within an integrated transport network.

Impact of climate change on the performance of the road assets
Forecast climate change will have different impacts around the world. An understanding of the expected impacts of climate change by asset managers will engender considerable benefits in the long term. The National Reports discuss the adaptation policies and measures adopted in order to ensure the performance of the road network in response to climate change impacts, such as changes in design criteria for pavements, bridges or drainage, the selection of constituents used in road pavement materials, adaptation of winter services, etc.

Road research and professional training
The National Reports discuss:

  • the type and extent of road research that has been undertaken on the issues of sustainable development and adaptation to climate change for the road sector,
  • how these issues are considered within the curriculum and training of road professionals.

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Algeria Algeria - National Report STC
Austria RN-auA-E RN-auB-E Austria - National Report STC RN-auD-E
Canada Canada - National Report STC
Canada-Quebec RN-qcD-E
China (People's Republic) RN-cnC-E
Cuba Cuba - National Report STA Cuba - National Report STB Cuba - National Report STD
Czech Republic Czech Republic - National Report STC
Germany Germany - National Report STC Germany - National Report STD
Hungary Hungary - National Report STB Hungary - National Report STC RN-huD-E
Ireland Ireland - National Report STC
Japan RN-jpA-E RN-jpB-E Japan - National Report STC
Mexico Mexico - National Report STA RN-mxB-E RN-mxC-E RN-mxD-E
Norway RN-noA-E Norway - National Report STC
Portugal Portugal - National Report STA RN-ptD-E
Romania RN-roB-E Romania - National Report STC RN-roD-E
Slovak Republic Slovak Republic - National Report STC Slovak Republic - National Report STD
Spain RN-esA-E Spain - National Report STB RN-esC-E Spain - National Report STD
Switzerland RN-chB-E Switzerland - National Report STC
United Kingdom RN-ukA-E RN-ukB-E United Kingdom - National Report STC United Kingdom - National Report STD
United States of America RN-usA-E United States of America - National Report STC RN-usD-E
Vietnam RN-vnC-E
