Sep. 29, Thu. 15:00-18:30

Casa del Diezmo 3, 4

Chair: Mr. Michel BOULET, IFSTTAR, France, Chair of TC D.2

Part 4. Noise

Introduction of the Working Group 3 Activities
• Mr. Fabienne ANFOSSO-LÉDÉE, France

Long Lasting Durable Mix as Alternative of Porous Asphalt
• Mr. Keizo KAMIYA, NEXCO Research Institute, Japan

3-D characterization of asphalt pavement macrotexture for skid resistance evaluation
• Mr. Yinghao MIAO, Beijing University of Technology, China

The poro-elastic road surface (PERS): a powerful weapon against traffic noise
• Mr. Luc GOUBERT, Belgian Road Research Centre, Belgium

Discussion and Conclusions

Part 5. Monitoring of Innovation

Introduction of the Working Group 4 Activities
• Mr. David HEIN, ARA, Canada

Road Foundation Construction Using Tyre Bales – A Lightweight, Low-Energy Alternative
• Mr. Mike WINTER, Transport Research Laboratory, U.K

Photocatalytic applications in Belgium, purifying the air through the pavement
• Ms. Anne BEELDENS, Belgian Road Research Centre, Belgium

Seismic retrofit of asphalt pavements using confined-reinforced earth
• Mr. Tsutomu ISHIGAKI, Nippo Corporation Research Institute, Japan

Discussion and Conclusions

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 6. Adaptation to Climate Change

Introduction of the Working Group 5 Activities
• Mr. Benoit VERHAEGHE, South Africa

Adapting Road Infrastructure to Climate Change: Innovative Approaches and Tools
• Mr. Yves ENNESSER, Egis, France

Impact of climate change on the development of rutting
• Mr. Alexander ZEISSLER, Institute of Urban Engineering and Road Construction, Germany

Energy Usage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Pavement Preservation Processes for Asphalt Concrete Pavements and the Application in Latin America
• Ms. Patricia IRRGANG, Manager for Latin América, Crafco, USA

Use of Solar Heat-blocking Pavement Technology for Mitigation of Urban Heat
• Mr. Masahiko IWAMA, NIPPO, Japan

Discussion and Conclusions


• Chair: Mr. Michel BOULET