Sep. 29, Thu. 9:00-12:30

Palacio de Iturbide 2, 3

Chair: Dr. Satoshi KASHIMA, Japan Bridge Engineering Center, Japan, Chair TC D.3
Co-chair: Mr. Brian HICKS, Transport Canada, Canada
Mr. Pablo DIAZ SIMAL, CEDEX – Ministry of Public Works, Spain


• Dr. Satoshi KASHIMA

Part 1. Inspection and Assessment of the Condition of Road Bridges

Inspector Accreditation, Non-Destructive Testing and Condition
Assessment for Bridges
• Ms. Erica SMITH, Asset Manager Bridges, Main Roads, Western Australia, Australia

Large Road Bridges Management, Monitoring and Maintenance
• Mr. Thierry KRETZ, SETRA, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France

Rio Papaloapan Bridge: Design and Successful Application of Non-Destructive Inspection Techniques
• Mr. José-Alfredo LOPEZ, Mexican Institute of Transport, Mexico

Study on Reduction of Vibration Control Devices for Akashi- Kaikyo Bridge
• Mr. Susumu FUKUNAGA, Long-span Bridge Engineering Center, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Co., Ltd., Japan


Baluarte Bridge
• Mr. Salvodor SANCHEZ NUÑEZ, Mexico

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Part 2. Innovative Maintenance/Repair Techniques

Large Road Bridges Rehabilitation, Example of Aquitaine Bridge
• Mr. Thierry KRETZ, SETRA, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France

Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges by the Ultrasound 3D Tomographer System
• Mr. Guy RAPAPORT, Ramboll Finland Oy, Infrastructure & Transport, Bridge Engineering, Finland


Adaptation to Climate Change
• Mr. Borre STENSVOLD, Bridge Director, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway

Management of the Bridge Stock
• Mr. Borre STENSVOLD, Bridge Director, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway

Maintenance Plans for Highway Bridges
• Mr. Emilio CRIADO, State Road Office, Ministry of Public Works, Spain



• Chair: Dr. Satoshi KASHIMA