Sep. 27, Tue. 15:00 - 18:30

Casa del Diezmo 1,2

Co-Chairs: Mr. Clemente POON HUNG, President of AMIVTAC and Mr. Claude VAN ROOTEN, member of the World Road Association Executive Committee

Part 1. "City-wide Strategies"

City-wide strategies for integration of surface transport modes in large cities
• Ms. Anita CURNOW, Technical Committee B3, Australia

Mexico city
• Ms. Adriana de ALMEIDA LOBO, Executive Director, Sustainable Transport Center of Mexico, Mexico

Beijing: Towards a world city with People's, Hi-tech and Green Transportation Systems
• Mr. Minwei LI, Beijing Transport Research Center, China

Ten years of the Zurich mobility strategy- Lessons learned and outlook
• Mr. Martin BUCK, SNZ Ingenieure und Planer AG, Swizerland

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 2. "Specific Treatments"

Making existing roads operate better
• Mr. Andrew SOMERS, Business Development Manager ITS, VicRoads Road User Services, Australia

Road network and mass transit – The challenge of integration in the Montreal metropolitan region
• Mr. Michel VEILLEUX, Vice-president, Agence Metropolitaine des Transports, Canada-Quebec

Urban mobility in the district of Bamako
• Mr. Malick KASSÉ, Direction Nationale des Transports Terrestres, Maritimes et Fluviaux, Mali

Duplex A86 – An innovative and sustainable solution to fill the second ring road of greater Paris region
• Mr. André BROTO, Deputy Director General, Cofiroute, France

Measures for use of public transport in Osaka City
• Mr. Satoshi ARAKI, Osaka City Government, Japan


• Chairs