Sep. 30, Fri. 9:00-12:30

Palacio de Iturbide 2, 3

Chair: Mr. Martin SAMSON, SNC-Lavalin Inc., Canada, Chair TC D.4


• Mr. Martin SAMSON

Part 1. Innovation in the treatment and use of local materials

General presentation 1
• Mr. Martin SAMSON

Presentation of the technical report « Innovative approaches for the use of local marginal natural materials
• Mr.Bernard DETHY, CRR, Belgium et Guy RAOUL, SPTF, France

Assessment of clay materials stabilized with lime, cement and other products
• Ms. Natalia PEREZ, IMT, Mexico

Use in earthworks of fine soils believed to be unsuitable for treatment – Studies of weathered schists in the region Bretagne - Pays de Loire
• Mr.Jean Claude AURIOL, IFSTTAR, France

Improvement of local materials on the motorway serving the port of Tangiers
• Mr. Mohamad CHOUH, Société Nationale des Autoroutes, Morocco

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Part 2. Innovation in the construction and maintenance of unpaved roads in developing countries

General presentation 2
• Mr. Martin SAMSON

Presentation of a summary of the seminar in Cotonou concerning unpaved roads
• Mr. Tele David OLODO, Secretary General, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Benin

Vulnerability reduction and damage repairs using best practices on low volume roads
• Mr.Gordon KELLER, USDA Forest Service, USA

Soil stabilization – An innovative measure for unpaved roads
• Mr.Mohamad SHUKOR, Public Works Department, Malaysia

Part 3. Adaptation to climate change

General Presentation 3
• Mr. Martin SAMSON

Presentation of the technical report "Adaptation to climate change"
• Mr. Aurèle PARRIAUX, GEOLEP, EPFL, Switzerland


• Chair: Mr. Martin SAMSON