Sep. 27, Tue. 15:00-18:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 1

Chair: Mr. Jeffrey PANIATI, FHWA, USA, Strategic Theme Coordinator


• Mr. Jeffrey PANIATI

Part 1. Strategic Plans and Approaches

World Bank- Its approach to promoting road safety
• Ms. Tawia ADDO-ASHONG, Program Coordinator, GRSF, Transport, Water, Information & Communication Technologies Department, The World Bank Group

China – Responses to the effects of growth of number of vehicles and recent declines in the number of crashes and fatalities
• Ms. Cheng-cheng LI, Deputy Chief of the Road Safety Research Center of Ministry of Transport, China

United States - Toward Zero Deaths: A National Strategy for Highway Safety
• Ms. Susan MARTINOVICH, President, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA

Spain -Strategic Plan for Road Safety: Goals and Accomplishments
• Mr. Roberto LLAMAS RUBIO, Road Safety Coordinator, Road General Directorate, Ministry of Public Works

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 2. The Transfer of Knowledge into Practice

Viet Nam- Developments in its National Road Safety Project
• Mr. Pham Quang VINH, Deputy Director General, Directorate for Roads of Viet Nam

Australia- Application of innovative technologies for mitigation of road safety risks
• Dr. Soames JOB, Director of the New South Wales Centre for Road Safety and Chair of the National Road Safety Strategy, Australia

France- "Training of professional and non-professional drivers regarding safe behaviour in tunnels"
• Mr. Marc TESSON, Centre d'Etudes des Tunnels (CETU), France

Mexico - Results on the implementation of training and education efforts listed in its National Report
• Dr. Jesús Manuel CHAVARRIA VEGA, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, Mexico


• Chair: Mr. Jeffrey PANIATI