Sep. 29, Thu. 09:00-12:30

Casa Montejo 1

Chair: Mr. Cyril FABRE, AIRBUS, France

Session 2. (Part 2) Airfield Design / Full-scale Testing / Modeling
(Chair: Mr. Michael ROGINSKI, The Boeing Company, USA)

Quantification of the Effect of Tire Contact Stresses on Runway Pavement Responses
• Mr. Hao WANG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Top-down and Bottom-up Cracking Mechanism in Failure Stage Two
• Mr. Edward GUO, FAA's Consultant, USA

Session 3. Construction of Airfield Pavement, including PCN Calculation
(Chair: Mr. Gordon HAYHOE, FAA Airport Technology R&D, USA)

PCN Determination - Case Studies and Observations of the FAA PCN Methodology
• Mr. Michael ROGINSKI, The Boeing Company, USA

Break 10:30 - 11:00

The New Test Technology for Evaluating the Anti-Cracking Performance of Concrete Runway of the Airport under Construction
• Mr. Yan LIU, China Airport Construction Group Corporation of CAAC, China

Session 4. Maintenance, Restoration and Pavement Management System for Airfield Pavements
(Chair: Pr. Imad L. AL-QADI, University of Illinois)

Maintaining Operational Efficiency When Resurfacing the Runway ar Billund Airport with a New Overlay in Three Days
• Mr. Hans Christian KORSGAARD, Denmark

Pavement Sustainability and Performance Improvement: Case Studies
• Mr. Iswandaru WIDYATMOKO, URS/Scott Wilson, UK

Seminar Conclusions & Close