Sep. 29, Thu. 9:00-12:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 1

Chair: Dr. Michio OKAHARA, Advanced Construction Technology Center, Japan, Chair TC C.3
Co-chair: Mr. Hiroyuki NAKAJIMA, Hanshin Expressway Eng. Corp., Japan


Dr. Michio OKAHARA

Part 1. Introduce Risk Management Techniques in the Road Sector

Overview of the WG #1 final report
• Mr. Johan HANSEN, Swedish Road Administration, Sweden

Proactive risk management in winter maintenance
• Mr. Kai TATTARI, The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment for Uusimaa, Finland

Hazard based approach to the management of operational safety risk on highways schemes
• Ms. Lucy WICKHAM, Mouchel, U-K

Part 2. Risks Associated with Natural Disasters, Climate Change, Man-made Disasters and Security Threats

Overview of the WG #2 final report
• Mrs. Connie YEW, Federal Highway Administration, USA

The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster
• Dr. Keiichi TAMURA, Public Works Research Institute, Japan

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation for the Scottish Road Network
• Mr. Mike G. WINTER, TRL, UK

Part 3. Social Acceptance of Risks and Their Perception

Overview of the WG #3 final report
• Mr. Roberto ARDITI, SINA S.p.A., Italy

UN Millennium Development Goals and transport policies: how risk assessment and measures for road safety could play a rewarding role for regions with economies in transition
• Mr. Roberto ARDITI, SINA S.p.A., Italy


• Chair: Dr. Michio OKAHARA