Sep. 28, Wed. 15:00-18:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 1

Chair: Dr. Ahmad Farhan MOHD SADULLAH, USM, Malaysia, Chair TC C.2


• Dr. Ahmad Farhan MOHD SADULLAH

Part 1. National Road Safety Policies and Plans

Comparison between nations
• Mr. George MAVROYENI, VicRoads, Australia

Sustainable Development of a Road Safety Framework
• Mr. Seng Tim HO, Land Transport Authority, Singapore

Innovative Safety Analysis Resources from the U.S
• Mr. Mike GRIFFITH, Federal Highway Administration, USA

Innovative Safety Analysis Resources from the U.S
• Mr. Bernard JACOB, Scientific Deputy Director for Transport Infrastructures and Safety Scientific Division French Institut for Sciences and Technologies on Transports, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR), France

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 2. Road Safety Campaigns

Best practices in Road Safety Campaigns
• Mr. Randall CABLE, South African National Roads Agency Limited, South Africa

Part 3. Cost Effectiveness

Cost Effectiveness of Safety Measures and Allocation of Resources
• Mr. Wim WIJNEN, SWOV Institute of Road Safety Research, The Netherlands

Part 4. Panel Discussion: Ensuring Safer Road Operations

• Mr. Ahmad Farhan MOHD SADULLAH, Malaysia : Moderator
• Mr. Wim WIJNEN, SWOV Institute of Road Safety Research, The Netherlands
• Mr. Mike GRIFFITH, Federal Highway Administration, USA
• Mr. George MAVREYONI, VicRoads, Australia
• Mr. Randall CABLE, South African National Roads Agency Limited, South Africa


• Chair: Dr. Ahmad Farhan MOHD SADULLAH