Sep. 29, Thu. 15:00-18:30

Casa del Diezmo 1,2

Chair: Mr. Hubert PEIGNÉ, Ministry Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France, Chair TC B.3


•Mr. Hubert PEIGNÉ

Part 1.

Compared strategies on walking and cycling in 41 cities in the world -surveys, results and prospective
Report of Technical Committee TCB.3 working group 3
• Mr. Marc ELLENBERG, Associate Director, CERTU, France

Promoting sustainable cities through sustainable transport options :Cycling in Accra, Ghana
• Mr. Magnus QUARSHIE, Centre for Cycling Expertise, Accra, Ghana

Pedestrian Priority Zones – initial evaluation of results in three cities
• Mr. Gilles BLANCHARD, CETE de l’Ouest, Ministry Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 2.

Strategies for balancing the share of modes to improve mobility and reduce road congestion
Report of Technical Committee TCB.3 working group 1
• Ms. Anita CURNOW, VicRoads, Australia

Comparative analysis on different large cities
• Mr. André BROTO, Deputy Director General, Cofiroute, France

Looking Back and Moving Forward – How to create a legacy of sustainable transportation in an evolving field
• Mr. Trent LETHCO, Associate Principal, ARUP, New York, USA

Introducing V’el Audit – an innovation for cycling infrastructure
• Mr. Gilles BLANCHARD, CETE de l’Ouest, Ministry Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France


• Chair: Mr. Hubert PEIGNÉ