Sep. 29, Thu. 15:00-18:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 1

Chair: Mr. Pierre SCHMITZ, Brussels Mobility, Ministry of the Region Brussels Capital, Belgium , Chair TC C.4
Co-chair : Mr. Rafael LOPEZ GUARGA, Ministry of Development, Spain

Part 1. Current activities of the C4 committee

• Mr. Pierre SCHMITZ, TC C4 Chair

Part 2. Overview of activities in the 2008-2011 cycle

• Mr. Robin HALL, C4 English-speaking secretary, Mott MacDonald, UK

Part 3. Presentation and discussion of significant topics studied by C4
Working Group 1 : Road tunnel operations

Recommendations for strategic tunnel safety management
Good practice for road tunnel emergency exercises
Management of maintenance and technical inspections of road tunnels
Life cycle aspects of electrical road tunnel equipment
• Mr. Jean-Claude MARTIN, WG1 leader, CETU, France

Part 4. Presentation and discussion of significant topics studied by C4
Working Group 2 : Manage and improve road tunnel safety

Current practice for risk evaluation of road tunnels
Improving safety in existing tunnels
• Mr. Bernhard KOHL, WG2 leader, ILF, Austria

Part 5. Presentation and discussion of significant topics studied by C4
Working Group 3 : Influence users' behaviour in tunnels

Driver's education
• Mr. Marc TESSON, WG3 leader, CETU, France

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 6. Presentation and discussion of significant topics studied by C4
Working Group 4 : Air Quality, Fire and Ventilation

Vehicle emissions and air demand for ventilation
Design fire characteristics for road tunnels
• Mr. Ignacio DEL REY, WG4 leader, ETSII - UPM, Spain

Part 7. Presentation and discussion of significant topics studied by C4
Working Group 5 : Knowledge management

Road Tunnel Manual
Road Tunnel Dictionary
• Mr. Pierre SCHMITZ, WG5 leader, Brussels Mobility, Belgium

Part 8. Papers submitted on sustainable approaches for road tunnels

• Alexandre DEBS, C4 French speaking secretary, Ministry of Transport, Canada-Quebec

Part 9. Future directions and possible new topics
Where are we? What do we need now?

• Mr. Robin HALL, C4 English-speaking secretary, Mott MacDonald, UK

Part 10. Discussion on future directions and new topics for the new TC on Road Tunnel Operations

• Mr. Ignacio DEL REY, WG4 leader, ETSII - UPM, Spain


• Chair: Mr. Pierre SCHMITZ