Sep. 30, Fri. 9:00-12:30

Casa del Diezmo 3, 4

Chair: Ms. Anita KÜNKEL-HENKER, Section of Pavement Design and Road Maintenance, Federal Highway Research Institute, Germany, Chair TC D.1
Co-chair: Mr. Mick LORENZ, Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, Australia



Part 1. Best Practice Asset Management

Benchmarking of Asset Management Methods
• Mr. Ramesh SINHAL, Highway Agency, United Kingdom

High Level Indicators in Road Asset Management
• Mr. Philippe LEPERT, Institute of Science and Technology of Transport, Development and Networks, France

Asset Management System in Africa
• Mr. Philippe LEPERT, Institute of Science and Technology of Transport, Development and Networks, France

Allocation of Resources across Asset Classes
• Mr. Louw KANNEMEYER, National Roads Agency, South Africa

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Part 2. Road Asset Management in Practice

Learnings from Africa
• Ms. Sophie TEKIE, Roads Authority, Namibia and Mr. Philippe LEPERT, Institute of Science and Technology of Transport, Development and Networks, France

Asset Management of Japanese Expressways after the Earthquake
• Mr. Shigeru SHIMENO, Nippon Expressway Research Institute, Japan

Current Practise of Road Management in Mexico
• Mr. José Ricardo SOLORIO MURILLO, Mexican Transportation Institute, Mexico

Improved Efficiency in Road Management through Level of Service based Contracts
• Mr. Pietro GIANNATTASIO, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy

Moving forwards with Performance based Asset Management
• Mr. Stephen J. GAJ, Federal Highway Administration, USA

Discussion and Conclusions

• Chair: Ms. Anita KÜNKEL-HENKER