Sep. 30, Fri. 9:00-12:30

Casa del Diezmo 1,2

Chair: Mr. Hans SILBORN, Norwegian public roads administration, Norway, Chair TC B.4


• Mr. Hans SILBORN

Part 1. Management of freight corridors, intermodal freight terminals and urban freight transport, presentation of technical reports from TCB.4

Management of strategic freight corridors
• Mr. Don HOGBEN, VicRoads, Australia

Intermodal freight terminals – challenges and good practice
• Mr. Martin RUESCH, Rapp Trans AG, Switzerland

Public sector governance over urban freight transport
• Prof. Eiichi TANIGUCHI, Kyoto University, Japan

Part 2. Presentation of individual papers

Relationships between commodity flow and land use
• Mr. Mitsuru SAITO, Brigham Young University, USA

Freight movement between Maquiladora industry and ports of entry
• Mr. Jose VIDANA, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and Texas Transportation Institute, USA

Break 10:30 - 11:00

Part 3. Existing and future challenges in intermodal freight transport

• Mr. Isaac FRANKLIN, President, Mexican Association of Intermodal Transport , Mexico

Part 4. Round table discussion: Challenges and measures in freight transport for a sound development

• Mr. Isaac FRANKLIN, Mexico
• Mr. Don HOGBEN, Australia
• Mr. Martin RUESCH, Switzerland
• Prof. Eiichi TANIGUCHI, Japan
Moderator: Mr. Benoit CAYOUETTE, Ministry of Transport, Canada-Quebec


• Chair: Mr. Hans SILBORN