Sep. 29, Thu. 15:00 - 18:30

Palacio de Valparaiso 2

Co-Chairs: Mr.José María PERTIERRA DE LA UZ, Director General of Highways, Ministry of Development, Spain and
Mr. Nazir ALLI, Chief Executive Officer, South African National Roads Agency Ltd, South Africa

Part 1. Impact of the GFC on road PPPs

Overview of the evolution of financing conditions since 2008
• Mr. Jose Luis IRIGOYEN, Sector Director for the Transport, Water and ICT Department, World Bank

Part 2. Measures Taken by Governments to Facilitate Road PPPs in Response to the GFC

Measures taken by Mexico in response to the global financial crisis to facilitate Public Private Partnership
• Mr. Amado Athie RUBIO, Deputy Director of Project Formulation, SCT, Mexico

Measures taken by Korean government to facilitate road PPPs in response to the GFC
• Mr. Keechoo CHOI, Professor, AJOU University, Korea

PPP Experiences in Spain in the current economy context
• Ms. María José RALLO DEL OLMO, Deputy Road Director, Ministry of Development, Spain

Break 16:30 - 17:00

Part 3. Conditions Necessary for Successful Road PPPs in Today's Market

Presentation as an introduction to the Panel Discussion
• Mr. Henri CHUA, Chairman of TC A.2

Part 4. Panel Discussion of Lenders/Investors/Public Authorities looking to the Future

(Moderator: Mr. Oscar de BUEN RICHKARDAY, Consultant, Former Undersecretary of Infrastructure, Mexico)

Representatives from Road Agency or Road Administration
• Mr. Nazir ALLI, Chief Executive Officer, South African National Roads Agency Ltd, South Africa
• Mr.José María PERTIERRA DE LA UZ, Director General of Highways, Ministry of Development, Spain
• Mr. José Miguel ORTEGA JULIO, PIARC Committees Coordinator in Chile and Public Works Ministry, Chile

Representative from Bank
• Mr. Javier MARTIN-ROBLES, MD. Santander Madrid
• Mr. Federico PATIÑO, Banobras

Representative from Investors
• Mr. Jagdeep BACHHER, AIMCO Alberta, Canada

Representative from Concessionaire Company
• Mr. Fadi SELWAN, Director, Vinci Concessions, France


• Co-Chairs