Closing Ceremony

Friday 30 Afternoon 14:00-15:30


Highlights of the Congress by Clemente Poon, President of AMIVTAC

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Introduction to the Strategic Plan 2012 - 2015 of the World Road Association by Anne Marie Leclerc, President of the World Road Association

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and Jim Barton, Chair of the Strategic Planning Commission

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Introduction to the coming international congresses

17th IRF World Meeting, by Patrick Sankey, President of the International Road Federation


XIVth International Winter Road Congress Andorra, 2014, by David Palmitjavila


XXVth World Road Congress

Introduction to the congress by Jean-François Corté, Secretary General of the World Road Association

In 2010, Korea confirmed its strong interest in hosting the World Road Congress and represented his candidacy. The strength of the case presented and the conviction with which he was raised have convinced the Council, by an overwhelming majority, to give full confidence to Korea for organizing this congress. Seoul will have the honor to host in 2015 the World Road Congress. The partnership for the coming four years is guided by a protocol signed between the Government of the host country and the Association.

We shall now proceed with the execution of this protocol.


Hand-over to Korea

By Heekuk KIM, Vice Minister of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime affairs

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Farewell speeches

By Anne Marie Leclerc, President of the World Road Association and Jean-François Corté, Secretary General of the World Road Association

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Official closing by Fausto Barajas Cummings, President of the Mexican Organizing Committee

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