Sep. 27, Tue. 15:00 - 18:30

Palacio de Iturbide 2, 3

Co-Chairs: Mr. Esteban DIEZ, InterAmerican Bank of Development & Mr. Julio César ORTIZ ANDINO, member of the World Road Association Executive Committee

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Introductory report
• Mr. Terje TESSEM, International Labour Organization

Part 1. Accessibility and Planning of the Development of Rural Roads

The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, Program for rural roads development in India
• Dr. D.T. THUBE, Director, National Rural Roads Development Agency, India

Accessibility and development planning of rural roads - Lessons learned in Latin America
• Mr. Victor AREVALO LAY, International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, University Ricardo Palma, Peru

Case of Laos
• Mr. Ounheuane SIRIAMPHONE, Senior Engineer, Department of Roads, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Laos

Break 16:30-17:00

Part 2. Issues of Decentralization

Program of road maintenance with micro-enterprises
• Mr. Roberto SANDOVAL, Chairman of Bolivian Highway Administrator, Bolivia

Decentralized management of rural roads - The case of the special project for rural transport in Peru
• Mr. Mauro Maita FRANCO, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Peru


• Chairs